What You’re Feeling is Grief

I’ve been saying this to folks in my circle for the past few months. In the West we don’t deal with grief particularly well. We want it done and over with; whether it’s others or ourselves. Well, it just doesn’t work that way. Click through to read the article. For some, the tools we haveContinue reading “What You’re Feeling is Grief”

December Happenings and Special New Years Day Class

Happy December! As we move into the holiday season, we can feel rushed along by the rush of things. If we’re not careful, we can miss the really important things. I’m encouraging my classes to take five minutes in the morning and/or evening through January 1 to sit still and pay attention to the breath.Continue reading “December Happenings and Special New Years Day Class”

The Peace Project: Be heard without a word

Dear Community, Brooklyn Yoga Project and Sette Creative invite you to join us in a group meditation dedicated to moving forward together in strength, love and commitment to ourselves, each other, our city, and our country. On Friday, Nov. 18, we will gather in Columbus Circle at 530pm and meditation will begin at 6pm toContinue reading “The Peace Project: Be heard without a word”

Cynicism Recidivism (or zero f*cks to give)

Our practice always shows us where we’re stuck. If we pay attention, we’re always shown where we’re being a little too rigid or perhaps too slack. Of late, I’ve been suffering from the NYC affliction: cynicism and hardness. And while I know that those afflictions can be present and I don’t need to BE cynicalContinue reading “Cynicism Recidivism (or zero f*cks to give)”

Get Lost!

The other night as I was making my way home, I popped open HopStop to check the timing of the subway. I rarely need the app for navigation purposes, but it does come in handy at times. As I scrolled down to check the times, there was a “Planned Service Change” notice. It read, “HopStopContinue reading “Get Lost!”

May (and beyond) Happenings!

Happy May Folks! I’ve had the great honor and privilege to be guiding a group of Teacher Trainees through asana practice at Brooklyn Yoga Project. It’s been humbling to watch them ride the waves. But the student is always the teacher…and it has also allowed me the opportunity to learn more about myself and thisContinue reading “May (and beyond) Happenings!”

Sharon Salzberg on Compassion

As we hone the ability to let go of distraction, to begin again without rancor or judgment, we are deepening forgiveness and compassion for ourselves. And in life, we find we might make a mistake, and more easily begin again, or stray from our chosen course and begin again. ~Sharon Salzberg